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Center za mlade Domžale je skupaj s skupino mladih v juliju organiziral mladinsko izmenjavo Odklopi se! V okviru projekta so skupine mladih iz 4 držav pripravili različne delavnice in aktivnosti na temo digitalne pismenosti in kritičnega samopremisleka o lastni uporabi tehnologije in medijev v vsakdanjem življenju. V okviru projekta so mladi pripravili knjižico, kamor so zbrali ideje za aktivno preživljanje prostega časa in recepte iz medkulturnih večerov. Knjižica je sedaj na voljo, da jo prelistate!
Mladinske izmenjave so namenjene mladim starim med 13 in 30 let, ki prihajajo iz različnih držav in skupaj raziskujejo teme in delijo znanja s področij, ki jih družijo. Na mladinski izmenjavi Odklopi se! je sodelovalo 25 mladih iz Slovenije, Španije, Grčije in Francije. Vse skupaj se je začelo že konec leta 2019, ko se je skupina mladih Domžalčanov ob podpori Centra za mlade Domžale lotila priprave in razvoja ideje projekta. Skupaj so pripravili in oddali prijavo ter držali pesti do objave rezultatov. Po odobritvi projekta in sredstev so se lotili priprav, ki pa so se zaradi situacije z epidemijo koronavirusa podaljšale vse v leto 2021. Mladi so pripravili program izmenjave, svoj del pa so prispevali tudi udeleženci iz tujine. Tako se je priprava in izvedba delavnic razporedila med različne skupine, s čimer se je oblikoval raznolik in pester program. Izmenjava se je na koncu odvila med 19. in 25. julijem 2021, v Domžalah.
Vas zanima zakaj naslov Odklopi se!? Mladi prepoznavajo, da je tema digitalne in medijske pismenosti aktualna tema, o kateri bi se morali več pogovarjati – predvsem mladi z mladimi. Glavni cilji projekta so bili ozavestiti mlade o škodljivostih in nevarnostih na spletu, spodbuditi kritičen premislek o lastni uporabi tehnologije v vsakdanjem življenju, vplivu medijev in informacij na našo samopodob in naš odnos do sveta ter preizkusiti in raziskati alternativne načine preživljanja prostega časa, v okviru katerega je potekal tudi izziv Dan brez telefona. To je bil prav poseben dan, v okviru katerega so vsi udeleženci odložili svoje telefone in pripravili tržnico alternativnih načinov preživljanja prostega časa. Ustvarjali so, plesali, se učili samoobrambe, meditirali, pilili nogometne trike in spoznavali nove družabne igre. Vse to so zbrali v obliki knjižice, ki jo lahko najdete na spletni strani Centra za mlade Domžale in portalu Domžale za mlade. V knjižico so vključili tudi recepte iz njihovih skupnih medkulturnih kulinaričnih večerov, kjer boste našli pravo grško solato, francoske palačinke, špansko tortiljo in ne nazadnje tudi recept za žgance.
Na koncu so mladi ugotovili, da smo danes tako tesno prepleteni s pametnimi napravami in spletom, da se težko poponoma ločimo od njih in je potrebno pogledati tudi pozitivno plat. Pomembno pri tem pa je, da mi uporabljamo socialna omrežja in tehnologijo in ne oni nas in da si vzamemo čas za kritičen samopremislek o lastni vpetosti, morda celo odvisnosti, od digitalne tehnologije in socialnih omrežij.
Namige in ideje kaj vse lahko počnete brez pametnih naprav oz. z njihovo omejeno uporabo, si lahko ogledate TUKAJ.
Projekt je potekal v okviru programa Erasmus plus: Mladi v akciji, ki ga v Sloveniji izvaja nacionalna agencija Movit.
Disconnect to connect!
In July Youth centre Domžale and a group of youngsters organised youth exchange Disconnect to connect. Part of the programme were also workshops that were prepared by youth from 4 different countries. The theme of these workshops were digital literacy and critical self-evaluation of media use in everyday life and free time. By the end of the project the participants prepared a booklet that consists of some great ideas on what to do in the free time that is active and without the use of phones. In it you can also find some fine recipes for typical Slovene, French, Greek and Spanish dishes. You can find the booklet here.
Youth exchanges host youngsters from 15 to 30 years old that come from different countries. Every exchange has its theme that participants discover, talk about and discuss. Exchanges are also a good opportunity four participants to share the knowledge that they have. In the youth exchange Disconnect to connect there was 25 participants from Slovenia, Spain, Greece and France. The preparations started in 2019 when a small group of youngsters from Domžale first met and with the support of Youth centre Domžale started to talk about possible themes, gathered information and prepared material. They filled out the application for the project and waited for it to be approved. After the project was confirmed, they still couldn’t continue with preparations because the Corona virus got in the way until the year 2021 when they finally set up a date and started preparing. They also contacted youngsters from participating countries to prepare some parts of the programme. In that way the programme was dynamical and diverse. The youth exchange lasted from 19th to 25th July 2021 in Domžale.
Do you want to know why the name of the exchange was Disconnect to connect? Young people are aware that digital and media literacy are two very important themes that should be discussed – especially amongst young people. The most important goals of the exchange were to inform participants about the dangers that can occur on the internet, encourage them to think critically about their own use of technology in everyday life, the influence that social media has on our self esteem and our attitude to the world. We also dedicated quite a lot of time to form some alternative ways of spending time without our phones and social media. In the spirit of that, part of the programme was also ‘’the day without phones’’ when all the participants laid down their phones in the special box and spent a day without them. This was an interesting day full of different workshops that youngsters prepared for others. It was called the marketplace of alternatives ways of spending free time – participants created crafts, danced, learned about self-defence, meditated, played football and many board games. All these activities are described in the booklet that you can find on the official site of Center za mlade Domžale and portal Domžale za mlade. In the booklet you can also see the recipes presented during multicultural evenings that were part of the project – the authentic recipes for Greek salad, French pancakes, Spanish tortilla and Slovene ‘’žganci’’.
In the end youngsters discovered that these days we are so tightly connected with our phones and the web that it is hard to put them away completely. We also need to look at the bright side of this. It is important to learn how to use social media and technology in a way that we use them instead of them using us and that we take time to critically think about our frequency of using them. We need to be careful if we see some signs of addiction even.
Some ideas on how to spend your free time without phones and social media can be found here.
The project was held and supported by Erasmus+ project: Mladi v akciji, that is carried out by Slovene national agency Movit.